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  • 卡套式管接头的介绍
  • 本站编辑:杭州派跃威流体设备有限公司发布日期:2020-08-27 09:52 浏览次数:

卡套式管接头的介绍一.单卡套式卡套接头单卡套式卡套管接头由三部分组成:接头体、卡套、螺母。当卡套和螺母套在钢管上插入接头体后,旋紧螺母时,卡套前端外侧与接头体锥面贴合,内刃均匀地咬入无缝钢管,形成有效密封。 二、双卡套式卡套接头1.结构图 结构特点:在装配具有先进几何形状设计特点的管接头时 ,前卡套被推入到接头本体和卡套管形成主密封,而后卡套向内产生铰链作用以对卡套管形成强有力的抓紧。后卡套的几何形状有助于产生先进的工程铰链-夹箍作用,这种作用可把轴向运动转化为卡套管上的径向挤压作用。2.双卡套的机械式抓紧设计优点:双卡套将密封功能和对卡套管的抓紧功能分开,每个卡套都针对其相应的功能进行了优化。前卡套用于形成密封:   ■ 与接头本体之间的密封  ■ 卡套管外径的密封。旋转螺母时,后卡套将: ■ 沿轴向推进前卡套   ■ 沿径向施加一个有效的卡套管抓紧。3.使用该产品的优点:■ 良好的气体密封和卡套管抓紧作用 ■ 易于进行正确的安装■ 极好的抗振动疲劳性能和卡套管支撑4、双卡套接头与不锈钢管的装配4.1保证所有零部件的清洁,在整个装配过程中不受污染。4.2.管子的处理:4.2.1 管子表面插入卡套接头的部分要光滑完好,避免出现划伤等缺陷。4.2.2 管子的端面要垂直于管的轴线,管口无毛刺。4.2.3 管子如要弯曲,管端要预留一定的长度,  L值,要遵照接头的生产商给出的建议值,一般情况下,L的长度不小于3倍螺母的长度,否则会影响管子的插入和密封。4.3安装小于1英寸或都25毫米管内径的卡套管接头的安装4.3.1靠前步拿到卡套接头后,用手指轻轻地松开卡套接头螺母1/4圈。(注意:比较好不要拧下螺母)如不小心拧下后,装配时必须确保接头内的前,后卡套不缺少,并且处于正确的位置。  第二步,拿管子插到卡套接头里,注意一定要把管子插到底一直顶到卡套接头内壁的管肩上, 用手指旋紧螺母,等指旋不动后就可以了。4.3.3. 第三步:在卡套螺母的6点位置做一标记。 用扳手固定接头本体,旋转卡套螺母一又四分之一转,这时所做标记旋转540度,至9点钟位置。 如果是小尺寸的卡套管内径,如1/16英寸,1/8英寸,3/16英寸,2毫米,3毫米和4毫米,只要转四分之三圈3点位置就可以了,安装尺寸大于1in.或者25mm的世伟洛克(swagelok)卡套管接头时请遵循本规范。■使用世伟洛克(swagelok)多头液压预装装置(MHSU) 把卡套预装在卡套管上。■ 在本体螺纹和后卡套的后表面上涂少量随接头提供的润滑剂。■ 将带有预装卡套的卡套管插入接头内,直到前卡套顶在接头本体上;用手拧紧螺母。■ 在 6 点钟的位置给螺母作标记  牢牢固定接头本体,将螺母紧固二分之一圈以使其停在 12 点钟的位置。使用世伟洛克(swagelok) MHSU 间隙检测规确认接头已经充分紧固。5.要注意卡套接头尺寸与管子尺寸的配套。如OD3/8inch和OD10mm的管子,管径接近,但OD3/8inch的管不能与OD10mm的接头连接,反之也如此。生产商一般在公制接头上做了标记,安装时要注意区分。6.泄漏原因6.1. 前后卡套方向或位置装错6.2. 钢管外表面刮伤或钢管不圆。6.3. 钢管没有插到底6.4. 螺母没有拧紧6.5. 钢管太硬。


Introduction of bayonet type pipe joint. Single sleeve type sleeve joint is composed of three parts: the body, the sleeve and the nut. When the sleeve and nut are inserted into the joint body on the steel tube and the nut is tightened, the outer end of the sleeve shall fit into the cone of the joint body and the inner edge shall bite into the seamless steel tube evenly to form an effective seal. Two, double sleeve type sleeve joint 1. Structural features: during the assembly of pipe joints with advanced geometric design features, the front sleeve is pushed into the body of the joint and the sleeve to form the main seal, and then the sleeve ACTS as a hinge inward to form a strong grip on the sleeve. The geometry of the rear sleeve contributes to an advanced engineering hinge-clamp action that translates the axial motion into a radial squeeze on the sleeve. 2. Advantages of mechanical grip design of double sleeve: double sleeve will separate the sealing function from the clamping function of the sleeve, and each sleeve is optimized for its corresponding function. The front sleeve is used to form a seal: ■ sealing between the joint body and the seal of the outer diameter of the sleeve. When rotating the nut, the rear sleeve will: ■ advance the front sleeve axially. ■ apply an effective sleeve grip along the radial direction. 3. Advantages of using this product: excellent gas seal and grip of the sleeve. ■ easy to install correctly. ■ excellent anti-vibration fatigue performance and the sleeve support. 4.2. Pipe treatment: 4.2.1 pipe surface insert sleeve joint should be smooth and intact to avoid scratches and other defects. 4.2.2 the end face of the pipe shall be perpendicular to the axis of the pipe without burr at the nozzle. 4.2.3 if the pipe is to be bent, a certain length shall be set at the pipe end and L value shall be in accordance with the recommended value given by the manufacturer of the joint. Generally, L length shall not be less than 3 times the length of the nut, otherwise it will affect the insertion and sealing of the pipe. Step 1 after getting the sleeve joint, gently loosen the sleeve joint nut 1/4 turn with your finger. (note: it is best not to take off the nut.) after accidentally taking off the nut, it is necessary to ensure that the front and back clamps in the joint are not missing and in the correct position during assembly. The second step, take the pipe into the sleeve joint, pay attention to be sure to insert the pipe to the end of the sleeve joint wall of the pipe shoulder, with the finger screw the nut, such as the finger can not rotate. Step 3: make a mark at 6 o 'clock of the nut. Using a wrench to secure the body of the joint, turn the nut nut one and a quarter turn, at which time the mark is rotated 540 ° to 9 o 'clock. If the casing diameter is small, such as 1/16 inch, 1/8 inch, 3/16 inch, 2 mm, 3 mm and 4 mm, just turn three quarters of a turn to the 3-point position and follow this specification when installing a swagelok casing joint larger than 1in. Or 25mm. ■ use swagelok multi-head hydraulic preassembly (MHSU) to preinstall the sleeve on the sleeve. ■ apply a small amount of lubricant supplied with the joint on the back surface of the body thread and the back sleeve. ■ insert the sleeve with pre-installed sleeve into the joint until the front sleeve is on the body of the joint; Tighten the nut by hand. ■ mark the nut at 6 o 'clock to secure the body of the joint and fasten the nut on one half of the ring so that it stops at 12 o 'clock. Use swagelok MHSU clearance gauge to confirm that the joint is adequately secured. 5. Pay attention to the matching between the size of the sleeve joint and the size of the pipe. For example, the pipe diameter of od3/8 inch and OD10mm is close, but the pipe of od3/8 inch cannot be connected with the joint of OD10mm, and vice versa. The manufacturer usually marks the metric joints and must pay attention to the distinction when installing them. 6. 6.2. The outer surface of the steel tube is scratched or the steel tube is not round. The steel tube is not inserted to the bottom 6.4. The nut is not tightened 6.5. The steel tube is too hard.
